Saturday, January 23, 2010

On Pins And Needles!!! :(

This is what I expect tomorrow to be like!!!

Hey Ya'll,

Well, we leave out tomorrow morning bright and early at 8 am.  Yep, I said 8 am!!  For those that have not been following me very long, you may not be aware of my nocturnal habits.  I am one of those night owls that stays up until the wee hours of the morning.  I can't get to sleep early, unless I am well medicated (and much more so, than normal)!!  So I am usually up until at least 2 am, & sometimes until 4-5 am!!  Then my DH wakes me up at 11 am at the very latest, most mornings (which is rare indeed).  But he usually considers my sleeping until 10:30, sleeping in.  Then he just has to wake me up!!!  He can only function so long without me up as well!!  LOL

The reason that we are leaving out so early in the morning is because we are finally taking my Step Son's Bedroom Furniture up to him (weather or no weather).  He is living way in the heck further up North in California, close to the Nevada border.  So, we get to drive up over the Sierra's (my favorite mountain range (NOT!)) again.  Because the town that he lives in, is close to the Nevada border.  It is easier to drive through Reno, NV, then head back up North into California to get there.  As the roads are better maintained & cleared of snow during the Winter.

Now the problem is this.  Because we have been hit with several storms in a row (El Nino) with another on its way, the Sierra's are packed with snow!  So we are taking our 4x4 so we can tow the U-Haul trailer easier.  Just to be sure we can make it, we actually bought snow chains!!  In the past, we always said that if a 4x4 needs chains to drive on an Interstate road, then it isn't worth driving at all!!  Because usually that means white out conditions, etc.

And it is supposed to be snowing tomorrow!  They are calling for a minimum of light snow showers.  So I am praying that it will truly only be light, so we have no problem getting up there.  We are not bringing the U-Haul back, so then we only have our 4x4 to drive home with.  So the worst of the white knuckling with be tomorrow.

Now, we are staying up in the Reno area until at least Monday afternoon, as I HAVE MY 2nd FILL ON MONDAY!!!!  Yea!!  But....then we have the problem of getting home again!  Now I really don't like to drive in snow & ice conditions, even with a 4x4.  So I have booked us a room through to the 27th, Just In Case!  I got a great rate, pay for the first night, get the second one free!!  Then I booked another night at the end just in case, & we can cancel within 24 hours without penalty. 

Under normal conditions, we would just drive back on Monday.  But since we wouldn't be leaving until at least 2 pm, we have to worry about icing on the roads.  Because of this, we prefer to begin driving home no later than noon'ish to 1 pm, because the temps start to drop so fast as the sun starts to go down, plus all the trees, etc causes a lot of shading, thus leading to black ice!!  Can you tell that I am a big city kind of gal with little to no Winter driving under my belt?  Am I a bit paranoid?  Yes!!  But I would rather be safe than sorry!!

You may wonder what the photo & the title of the post means.  The photo is usually what my DH is doing!!  Trying to go as fast as he can without getting a ticket or causing an accident!  Which drives me up the freaking wall!!!!!  And he knows it too!  LOL  So when ever we have to drive over the Sierra's, I am always on Pins and Needles!  However, he says that when he is towing another vehicle, he always drives much more conservatively.  I can only hope that this is true!  Wish us luck!!

Now I have to say that I have a new NSV!!!  Today for shits & giggles, I decided to try on my wedding band & it went on!!!  I haven't been able to wear it for at least 2 yrs now.  But since it may be just a fluke that it went on easily because it was so cold tonight, I am going to wait until I lose a few more pounds to start wearing it.  I don't want to have to force it off again!!!  LOL  But I got it on, easily.

And tonight, one of our friends (flying buddies) came over to help my DH load up the furniture, as I refused to let DH do it by himself!!  Before the friend left, my DH had me come outside to say goodbye & when I stepped out into the garage, I saw not only the friend that I was expecting, but I saw another friend Jeroen, that had moved back to Paris, France!!  We knew that he & his wife weren't happy back in France (his wife is from France, he is from Holland), but we had no idea that he had come back again!!

He was our Flight Instructor when we were taking Flying lessons about 8-9 yrs ago!!  And he became a good close friend as well!!  So I was able to give him his painting that I painted for him!!  He appeared to love it!!  Even though it isn't quite as good as the one I painted my Daughter!!  It is a painting of Lake Tahoe.  But my reflection in the water was horrible!!

Anyway, I got off my train of thought again, sorry!!  Well, it is getting late & I still have things to do before I go to bed.  We are taking the computer with us this time so I should be able to at least keep up with your blogs!  Till next time.

Aloha My Friends  :)   


Anonymous said...

We all know how patient Walt is. Maybe one day you will know what a full night of sleep is again. Drive safe and hopefully I will see you guys soon. Oh BTW, I have a final interview at PF Changs tues morning. (fingers crossed) It is just a formality as the previous 3 managers I have interviewed with all like me, and the server manager was talking about what my schedule will be when I talked to her on thurs. But tues will make it offical. Please tell Walt I'm sorry to hear about his dad and I'm thinking about you guys. Reading your blog feels a little like stalking since I haven't seen you in almost 2 months. LOL Talk to you soon.


Dinnerland said...

Total nsv about the wedding ring, congrats, Mrs. Walt.
Hope you're not too stressed on the drive--xo

uh said...

Drive carefully and above all, HAVE FUN!

THE DASH! said...

Goodness, does it ever end for you guys? I know now how you hate that Sierra drive.. please be safe!! And happy house moving. x

Barbara said...

OH Debi.. be so careful and the snow chains are a great idea (actually I think they have some parts where they are mandatory).. Go to Reno area several times a year with work travels.. Hope everything goes smoothly and you get to that fill on MOnday.. be well

Debi said...

Thanks everyone!!

We MAY move up to the Reno area in about 6 months. If so, then maybe we could meet for lunch sometime when you are in Reno, if you have the time!

That is fantastic!! I will definitely cross my fingers that your final interview goes great!! You WILL get it, I am sure. That is great, then you will work close enough to work that you could actually walk if you wanted to.

And don't worry about feeling like you are stalking!! I know that we gave out my blog information to several of the family & friends!! Don't be shy, go ahead & Follow me officially. Christa does, as well as one of Walt's co-workers, Aggie.

Love & Hugs to all!! I will post tonight!!

Lap Band Groupie said...

You sound very prepared! I want to see a pic of that DD painting! I love art! -BG

Lap Band Groupie said...

Oh, and I think I did the pic right...thanks. Still can't figure out the 'send a message' I'm posting here, sorry! -BG

Amy W. said...

Good luck and have fun! We will all be waiting to hear from you when you get back!

Debi said...

Thanks guys!!!