Monday, March 21, 2011

A Warm Welcome To...Mom To 4 Redheads !! :)

Hey Ya'll,

After checking into my blog this morning, I saw that I had a new Follower!  She goes by Mom To 4 Redheads, and her blog link is: Canadian Girl With A Band.  She was Banded on January 12, 2011 and has lost 39.5 lbs so far!  She is doing great, but like all of us, she can use some support.  So if you haven't already checked out her blog, please jump on over and say hello!!  So M24R's...."Welcome to my Nightmare"!

Aloha My New Friend  :)


Momto4redheads said...

Aw Shucks!!! Thanks so much!

Debi said...

You're welcome M24R's!!