Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Hey Ya'll,

Just a quick post to say Merry Christmas to all, and I hope that the New Year brings you everything that you want and more!!

Yesterday Walt and I drove to his Mom's house to pick her up.  She decided that she didn't feel like cooking this year, and didn't want to decorate her house, so she preferred to go out to eat.  So we drove her to the Restaurant of her choice, and of course, they weren't serving Turkey until today....So after trying another Restaurant that wasn't serving Turkey until today, we decided to drive into Carson City.  The nearest City to where she lives where we were sure that the Fandango Casino's Buffet would have Turkey, among many other choices.

We were right!  The only problem was that this would be my first outing in a Restaurant setting since my Surgery, and....it was a Buffet!!  First off, we thought that we would have to argue to get me a lower price, like for Senior Citizen, or a Child's rate since I can't eat more than a few bites.  But I showed them my Card that I received regarding my Gastric Bypass Surgery, and they gave me a Child's rate!!

Now the real test was whether I could actually control myself, and only eat a small amount.  And only eat what I should eat.  Well, I did rather well!  I had two small spoons of Mashed Potatoes, and a spoon of Cottage Cheese with a small amount of Peach cut up into tiny pieces.  I also had a couple of small bites of a chewy, easily swallowed sugar free Cookie, and a few bites of sugar free Jello.  Oh and one small bite of sugar free Cheesecake.  And this was over about 2 hours, so that wasn't too bad....And yes, that was all that I ate all day yesterday!

This was one night before I was supposed to start my Smooth Diet phase, but I figured that it would be ok.  Today officially starts my Smooth Diet for the next week, then I move into Stage 4 and Soft Foods for weeks 3-4.  This time I don't plan on trying to eat what I shouldn't eat too soon (except for last night!!).

Well, I better go for now.  Till next time....

Aloha My Friends, and
Merry Christmas!!

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