Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tuesday Is It!

Photos like this is what I am going to try to think about, instead of my horrible Cervical Collar!  Hopefully I will only have to wear it for 6 weeks....unlike Sandi at My Story....she has had to wear hers for 16 Weeks, she deserves a medal or something!!

Hey Ya'll,

Well,  Tuesday (the day after tomorrow) is my Spinal Surgery....but because I need to be at the Hospital in the morning, and they said that they may change the times on me, we decided to actually stay at the small Hotel in the Hospital.  This way, we will be near if they decide to call me in earlier!  Christa is driving up with the Grand Kids to be with Walt and I.  So we are really looking forward to spending a little time with them tomorrow. 

The Grand Kids can't wait to go back to an all you can eat Buffet at one of the Casinos!  Unfortunately, our Grand Son Walker, was hoping it would be an all you can eat Seafood Buffet!  Christa had to tell him that they only do the Seafood Buffets on Fridays and Saturdays!  But they usually have at least one or two Fish/Seafood choices anyway.

The last time they came up, which was last year, we took them to a Buffet and they loved it!  We couldn't believe how much our Grand Daughter ate!  For such a small one!  She really loved the Dessert Bar (just like her Grandma!!).  LOL  So they will be staying until Wednesday.  I am just hoping that the weather cooperates.  The forecast changes from day to day, and even several times a day!

Since Walt is going to work tomorrow, Christa is going to pick me up on her way into town, then we will check into our Hotel at the Hospital, I will quickly show her around, so she will know her way around the Hospital for when she arrives on Tuesday.  Then we will drive over to her Hotel, so that she can get checked in as well.  She is staying there instead of our Hotel, because the Hospital Hotel charges more than twice the money (I guess they think that they can charge much more for the convenience of being in the Hospital).  I just hope the room is at least as nice as the Hotel room we could have had for less than half the price!!! LOL

By then, Walt should be off work, and on his way there!  Then we will eat, and eat, and eat!!  Don't forget, I have no fluid in my Band, and who might be my last meal!  At least one that I can physically eat and taste!!  Even the Surgeon said that he cannot guarantee that nothing will go wrong, and I could lose the ability to swallow food....Of course, we will not dwell on this possibility!!  I can deal with being paralyzed, but not being able to eat????  Well, that would really be horrible!  But I guess I would lose weight for sure!!

So, saying this, I must say that I probably will not be able to post again before my Surgery.  And I am not sure how long after I get home, before I will feel up to sitting at my desk.  Hopefully I will be able to post again no longer than a week from now.  So I better go for now, I still have a bunch of e-mails to write before I go to bed.  Till next time....

Aloha My Friends  :)


Lonicera said...

Best of luck to you Debi - we're all thinking of you.

Tina@The BanditGirl said...

Good Luck with your surgery and recovery!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I will think of you and send positive, healing thoughts your way. I will miss your blog while you are gone and will look forward to hearing how you are doing.
Take care of yourself, and good luck.

Debi said...

Thank you everyone!! It's comforting to know that I have friends who will be sending good thoughts my way!!

I will post again as soon as I can to update ya'll.

~Sandi @ This one time at 'band' camp... said...

Aww thanks Hun, it's hard but you'll be better for it! Stay positive and let us know how you are doing! (((hugs)))

Debi said...

Thanks Sandi!! I can use the Hugs too!! Hope you get your Torture Device off soon!!

Andrea said...

Good luck with your surgery tomorrow!

Debi said...

Thank you Andrea!! :)

Sarah G said...

Thinking positive thoughts for you, Debi!

Debi said...

Thank you Sarah!! I'm home and alive!!