Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Can't Believe This....!!

So what do you think????  Does this look very comfortable to you???  Me either!!  At least I hope that this is the one....the other potential one is also a Back Brace combined!! 

Hey Ya'll,

Well, I am now 9 days away from Surgery, and you won't believe what has happened.  Here I have been so careful trying to not be around anyone who is obviously sick, and who gets sick????  Walt came down with another COLD!!!  AHHH!  So now I am trying my best to not catch HIS cold!  Because if I even come down with the sniffles, then my Surgery has to be postponed.  And since my Neurosurgeon's calendar is at least 3-4 weeks out, then I would have to wait until at least the end of April....And that is not an option!!

So, here I am trying to stay clear of Walt (and in an RV, that is a bit hard to do! LOL) ....I have been using sanitizing wipes on any surfaces that I know, or even think that he has touched, etc (repeatedly).  I even stayed out of bed last night until about 4 am this morning, so that I would cut down the amount of time that he could have breathed, coughed or sneezed on me!  I know that he usually gets up between 4-5, so I figured it would be my best bet.  All so that I won't catch his cold! 

Now get this, he thinks that I am going too far!  Do you???  And remember, until he reads this post, he will not have known about my avoiding sleeping with him!!  He is just going on my sanitizing the place!  If you were about to undergo an important, and very necessary Surgery, wouldn't you be staying away from anyone sick, and sanitizing after someone who is??  Luckily, he says that he is already feeling hopefully, this isn't a full blown Cold??? 

So saying all this, this week will be one hectic week for us!!  First off, because of weather, I am going to have to get up before the crack of dawn tomorrow and Tuesday, in order to drive Walt in to work, so that I can use the Truck!

Tomorrow is the only day that I can get my Pre-Op Testing done, so that they get it in time for my Pre-Op Appointment.  So I will be spending several hours tomorrow at the Hospital getting an EKG, full Blood Work done, Urinalysis, Chest X-Ray and special X-Rays of my Neck in several flexed positions!

Then on Tuesday, I have to go into my PCP, so that she can give me a Medical Clearance for Surgery....or should I say, he!  My PCP is apparently on Vacation, or at least out of the Office until the 26th, so her partner will have to see me.  If I don't have the signed Medical Clearance by Friday at my Pre-Op Appointment, then I don't my Surgery!  So I sure hope that he doesn't give me any problems giving the a-ok!  I have never seen him before, so I'm crossing my Fingers and Toes on this one.

Then, Thursday we have our annual Vision appointment.  This usually takes at least 1 1/2 - 2 hrs!  And that is if we don't have to choose glasses!

On Friday morning, I have an appointment at 9 am (nine Freeking am!) to get fitted with a special Cervical Collar (a photo of it is pictured above).  I am supposed to take it with me from the appointment, as my next appointment, which is at 10:30 am, with Dr Lynch's #1 PA (who also attends and helps in Surgery with Dr Lynch) to go over my Pre-Op Tests, and to answer any questions that I may still how long will I have to wear this Torture Device???  LOL  The last Spinal Surgery that I had, I only had to wear a Soft Collar, but then, I only had 2 Discs Fused that time....And either just before my Pre-Op Appointment, or just after it (depending on how much time I have), I will Pre-Register at the Hospital.

Saturday, I have an appointment with a new woman to get my Nails done....I got my Toes redone with Gels on Friday, so they will last forever!!  But the Finger Nails grows much faster.  My only hope is that they will hold out until I can at least get around decently.  Walt will probably have to drive me to get them Filled, but at least they will look good for the Surgery!!  LOL

And of course, my Surgery on Tuesday of next week!!  So in the next 9 days, I have a lot to do!!  And that is not including cleaning the RV, doing the laundry, and making myself a big pot of Goulash to eat on while I am recuperating!!  Nor hopefully purchase my new Vehicle!!  After all, I am the forever optimist!!  But with Walt sick, it is highly doubtful that we will be able to fit in buying a car....  :(  (sigh)  Anyway, I better go for now, got lots to do, and so little time!!  Till next time....

Aloha My Friends  :)



~Sandi @ This one time at 'band' camp... said...

This is the identical one I'm wearing right now for SIXTEEN weeks! Good luck! And no, it's not comfy!

Debi said...

16 weeks!! Oh my!! You deserve a medal!!

I sure hope that I don't have to wear mine for more than 4-8 weeks. But since my Surgeon said that I should be fully recovered in 3+ months, then hopefully no more than 12 weeks!

And I knew by looking at a photo of it, that it isn't going to be a pleasant experience!! LOL

Lonicera said...

It looks comfortable to me, because it will give you the confidence that it's taking care you don't make a wrong movement - and I gather that's going to be crucially important. So no cheating and taking it off !!!
I agree with you about trying to avoid getting a cold, I think this op is very important to your future health and wellbeing. Fingers all crossed.

Debi said...

Thanks Caroline! I know that it is supposed to be comfortable, but trying to sleep in it will be the test!

Sarah said...

I had a wrist splint a few years ago and found it surprisingly easy to sleep in until I bashed myself in the head with it ... not so much of an issue for a neck brace. Hope it's ok.

Debi said...

Thanks Sarah! The problem with the Neck Brace is that it is inflexible, so no matter how much padding they claim it to have, or how will still chafe and rub the skin. My Soft Brace was bad enough, and it was SOFT!! LOL

And by the way....I almost broke my Wrist today....!!