Monday, April 18, 2011

A Warm Welcome To...Dawn Crane !! :)

Hey Ya'll,

Well, I have discovered that I have a new Follower!  Her name is Dawn Crane.  Unfortunately I can't find her blog, so I am unable to provide a link to her blog!  Nor can I Follow her myself!  So Dawn, if you read this, please leave me a comment, so that I can follow it back to your blog!  Unless you want to remain anonymous of course!  So Dawn...."Welcome to my Nightmare"!

I believe that I found Dawn!!  If this is the correct blog (which I am fairly sure that it is...), here is the link to her Blog: FLABulous to FABulous

Aloha My New Friend :)


Cat said...

Hi Debi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you now as well. I love the Outlander series though I sorta fell off after reading the Fiery Cross. I finished it but it was a struggle. I know she's got to pass the adventure down to the younger generation but I so love Jamie and Claire! Anyway thanks for stopping by. Cat

Debi said...

I agree, but she does get back into her and Jaime, I swear!! LOL Thanks for Following me too!!